Friday, August 31, 2012

BC Conservatives' Internal Strife on Public Display...

For a 2nd time in as many weeks -- BC Conservative Provincial Director John Crocock has gotten his party in hot water again -- last time, it was his "amateur hour" comments to CKNW and this week -- he is openly challenging members of his own party to turf John Cummins before the May 2013 provincial election

Al Siebring (BC Conservative Provincial Board Director) suggested that the BC Liberals have a bigger leadership issue that the BC Conservatives.  With all due respect to my BC Conservatives friends -- this is false!!.  Unlike certain members of the BC Conservatives who may be calling for John Cummins to resign -- there is not 1 (One!!!) BC Liberal member, BC Liberal Riding Association or BC Liberal Provincial Council member calling for Christy Clark to resign.

Meanwhile - Randy White, former Reform MP for Langley and now the BC Conservatives' Co-Chair for their 'Issues Management Committee' says once the issue of the Leadership Vote is out of the way...

"We want to be able to stand up with John and say he’s got a mandate from his party, now Christy what have you got?"

Well - to answer Mr. White and his party... Christy Clark received the majority of votes in a leadership race in early 2011 that had multiple contenders... can't say that about the BC Conservatives

Finally - I think, from a communication perspective, it was in bad taste to compare the issues within the BC Conservative Party to Jesus and the betrayal by Judas, one of the 12 Apostles.  Personally, I'm sure a better metaphor could have been used.  As Alise Mills (former communications consultant to the BC Liberals) said on Twitter -- BC/Canadian Politics and religion do not mix, as far as the average voter goes

My uncle and BC Conservative Kamloops Regional Director Alan Forseth speaks to this, by stating on his Facebook page:

I am PROUD to say I am member of the BC Conservative Party. I am a 'fiscal' conservative with a 'social' conscience ... and I believe I am among majority of the members of our party.

I too have a religious beliefs and affiliation -- BUT I know my personal beliefs stay outside the door of the party. Members of our own Constituency Association know that, and understand that, because I myself have shut the door to ANY discussion on things that could perhaps have a religious undertone when it comes to policy.

That said ... I really do not understand why people outside our party can't understand this can be done. I guess they have their own personal agendas, prejudices, and axes to grind. Some too I suppose simply wish to manipulate the truth because it helps in their own political agendas.

Read the full Vancouver Sun article here

1 comment:

Alan Forseth said...

Steve, you may not beleive there are members of BC Liberals calling for her resignation, but there are.

Others, who can no longer support her, or the party have left and gone elsewhere, many to the BC COnservatives.

PS ... thank you for posting my Facebook comment. From numerous personal messages I have received, it appears I have been correct in what I stated