Tuesday, February 28, 2012

LRB rules Teacher may conduct 'Limited Strike'

Earlier today - the Labour Relations Board or LRB ruled that BC Teachers may conduct a 'Limited Strike' in that teachers' may strike for "3 days in a 7 day period" and then strike one day for subsequent weeks, provided two (2) days notice is given

More details here

Editor's Note - no word on local response yet.... but the "back to work" legislation will be tabled this afternoon so it'll be interesting to see what George Abbott's staff have put together... is it the same legislation as in 2005 and will the political debate in the BC Legislature follow the same path as it did in 2005.  As well - it'll be interesting to see how mediation will truly work - when 2 billion gap on wages... mediation on 'non-monetary' issues is probably doable.  Hope the government/BC Teachers' Federation will mediate on 'non-monetary' issues... 

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